Thursday 17 September 2015


KADUNA – Governor Nasir El Rufai of Kaduna State has orderd the quick conclusion of two houses of worship, a theological college and a congregation claimed healing centers and auxiliary school all in Saminaka, Lere Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

Governor Nasir El Rufai

He said the conclusion was to maintain a strategic distance from the ejection of viciousness among groups of the assemblages whose authorities' positions he depicted as, "essentially to protect their own advantage with little sympathy toward the benefit of all, and the peace and security of Kaduna State".

An announcement for the senator sign by his representative, Samuel Aruwan Wednesday in Kaduna named the influenced bodies as: Theological Seminary of Northern Nigeria, (TSNN), Shalom Comprehensive College, Assemblies of God Church, AGC, Nmbare all in Saminaka. The rest are: Assemblies of God Church (Jerusalem) and AGC Evangelist Hospital, likewise in Saminaka:

Peruses the announcement: "The Kaduna State Security Council at its fifteenth meeting, hung on the fifteenth September, 2015, pondered on the administration emergency in the Assemblies of God Church, AGC, Saminaka District, Lere neighborhood government region of the state.

"The board talked about this matter in the setting of anticipating dangers to the peace and dependability of the State.

"The Council noticed that the initiative emergency has prompted breaking down of request in the congregation, and raised pressures between the rival's adherents camps.

The emergency has likewise enlarged to the congregation's understudies possessed school and theological college, who are presently part and separated on factional lines.

"The Council audited past endeavors made to determine the emergency. It noticed that these were prematurely ended by those included in the initiative tussle, chiefly to save their own advantage with little sympathy toward the benefit of all, and the peace and security of Kaduna State.

"The Council consistently concurred that if left unchecked, the growing strain may worsen into aggregate breakdown of lawfulness in the said range, with the possibility to spread to different parts of the state.

"Thusly, the Council has stepped to protect the peace. It has collectively coordinated the prompt conclusion of the accompanying:

"Religious Seminary of Northern Nigeria, (TSNN) Saminaka. Shalom Comprehensive College, Saminaka Assemblies of God Church, Nmbare, Saminaka and Assemblies of God Church (Jerusalem) Saminaka AGC Evangelist Hospital, Saminaka

"As a consequence of these measures, the individuals who may be influenced will be conceded into government schools or doctor's facilities, in the event that they practice the alternative.

"The Council additionally coordinated that the norm as to farmlands, houses and different resources of the congregation be maintained pending determination of the initiative emergency, which is a matter under the steady gaze of the Supreme Court.

"Kaduna State Government wishes to repeat that it won't endure the utilization of religion and ethnicity to bring about emergency in the state.

"The administration has additionally declared that it will indict anybody, regardless of his or her standing, that is embroiled in instigating emergency in whatever structure in the State", the announcement close.

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